Vacuum Bags & Filters
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Vacuum Bags & Filters
When using any M or H class vacuum it is important to ensure that you collect the waste. You are using an M or H class vacuum for a reason to protect your health and those around so why would you put yourself at risk when emptying the unit?
When using a bag in a vacuum regardless of make or model you will do the following
- Reduce strain on the vacuum motor
- Increase life of the filter
- Increase the life of the vacuum
- Add a 2nd layer of protection within the vacuum to protect you and the machine
As with all machines they are as good as they are treated. A vacuum with filter clean is good but is not to be relied upon because you don’t want to use bags. The filter clean is designed to remove light layers of dust that may land on the filter in normal use but not to continually keep a clogged filter from becoming unusable. Again, we stress the importance of not exposing your lungs to high levels of dust or releasing dust into the air to empty a vacuum.
Bags are built to increase productivity of the vacuum. They are built to a certain filter standard to reduce on costs related to not using a bag or using a bag of a lower quality.
Basic visual checks can be made such as checking the filter isn’t damaged, the filter is correctly seated, the bag is properly fitted, the hose and tools are not damaged.